Employee Induction Training

Boost your new hire retention

Make your new hires feel welcome and keep them focused from day one with Falconry induction training software. Put your employees in the best position for success and allow them to contribute to the business ASAP

Put induction training on autopilot


an online induction training program once and assign it to all your new employees.


training schedules. The LMS will guide new employees from unit to unit and monitor due dates.


your new hires’ progress. You will see when your employees are ready for productive work.

See your employees’ results faster

Deliver effective training to your new hires and provide them with relevant information for a better job performance.

Role and responsibilities

Give a detailed explanation of a new hire’s responsibilities, related expectations, and how to correctly fulfill their role.

Company culture

Immerse your employees in the work environment with a welcome course on your company’s history and corporate culture.

Employee benefits

Inform your employees about career ladders, bonuses, health insurance, medical plan, vacation time, etc.

Basic policies

Ensure support on basic rules and regulations regarding employee conduct, attendance, dress code, etc.

Product knowledge training

Provide comprehensive information on the company’s products and their features, benefits, and proper usage.

Health and safety training

Develop a positive health and safety culture in the organization and ensure compliance with regulations.

Enhance your employee
onboarding experience

Reduced employee workload

Online induction training with iSpring Learn LMS cuts down the total amount of paperwork and face-to-face mentoring.

Accelerated adaptation

Inductees aren’t limited to when and where they can learn. You can even start Inducting your employees before they begin working.

Fewer induction training costs

Online onboarding saves the company money: no more overtime, travel, and instructor costs for in-person training.

Less employee turnover

Feeling welcome, valued, and supported, recruits are more engaged in the workflow and less likely to seek a new job.

Improved new hire productivity

Learning and gaining new skills helps new hires feel prepared for upcoming tasks and quickly enhances their efficiency.

Track compliance

iSpring LMS allows you to keep track of how well recruits are doing during induction and understand if they meet your expectations.

Why Falconry LMS
is the perfect solution

Falconry LMS provides new employees with the fastest route from hired to productive. The LMS automates your entire training process from content development to tracking and reporting.

They Believed, We Delivered

Save Time & Money

Your team can access content anywhere and anytime without the need to take time out from their jobs to attend classes. But e-learning is also cost-effective, and companies save a substantial amount on travel and accommodation costs of both learners and instructors, as well as the venue and materials.

Enjoy Consistency

Our presence in the learning business has allowed us to observe the difference among each instructor’s method of teaching. This difference is deducted to zero with eLearning. Online learning provides consistent and standardized training every time. Each learner goes through the same experience regardless of when and where he or she takes the course.

Personalize The Learning Experience

When training your workforce, there’s an abundance of unique preferences and learning goals that need to be fulfilled. E-learning makes it possible to cater to individual needs by allowing learners to choose their learning path and navigate at their own pace.

High Learning Retention

Online learning results in a higher knowledge retention rate due to such factors as coursework being available for several takes and following at own pace.

Measure ROI & Learner Progress

An LMS is mandatory for eLearning. But, apart from a systemized learning experience, and Learning Management System will allow you to track learner progress and report on this activity. An LMS will also let you know how

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Through innovative solutions, We solve important problems that makes an impact and build employees confidence and skills to manage emerging risks and future challenges