Falconry Solutions
We have developed an integrated approach to develop risk and resilience culture through an integrated learning platform, which enable organisations to improve on-job performance, ensure regularity compliance and transform themselves effectively.
e-Training Solutions
Managing Risk - Building Resilience
Through Innovatively designed learning solutions
- Get training and important real-time learning so you’re always on top of your data
- Successfully navigate an ever-changing and evolving regulatory landscape
- Keep your employees safe and well and ensure your businesses are sustainable and productive
- Create a corporate culture that’s engaged and empowered
- Leverage Integrated Risk Management (IRM) insights and industry best practices
- Derive optimal value from a platform tailored to you and your business
- Integrate strategic direction, elevate employee’s capabilities and build risk and resilience culture to achieve and sustain competitive advantage.
- Take the right risks at the right time with confidence and focus
How we help by Industry
They Believed, We Delivered

Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world
Falconry Insights
We are a premier organisation that defines thought leadership in risk management and resilience solutions. We bring together leaders from industry and academia to draw actionable insights on emerging risks and future challenges.

Building a Cybersecurity Awareness Program
Introduction Awareness of Internet security issues is a benefit to all, from the seasoned systems administrator, to the home user paying a bill online or

Transformation Matters
Building Resilient Organisation Today’s leaders are no strangers to change and disruption. During last few years, there were countless examples of businesses needing to shift

Training as a Powerful Tool for Evolving Risk Culture
Enterprise-wide risk management requires a shift in the behavior and mindset of employees across an organization. To realize the full benefits of improved systems, tools,

The most fundamental skill: Intentional learning and the career advantage
Discover: Learning itself is a skill. Unlocking the mindsets and skills to develop it can boost personal and professional lives and deliver a competitive edge